10 Reasons Expecting Mothers go to the Chiropractor

We see lots of beautiful and healthy expecting moms and Tree of Life Chiropractic - Seattle! Here are some of the top reasons you should see a chiropractor if you are pregnant or looking to become pregnant. Feel free to message us, call to schedule an appointment or ask any questions you may have.
To balance out the pelvis for breech or transverse babies
To support overall health and well-being
To help strengthen immunity
To help with low back pain caused by postural changes
To help with symphasis pubis dysfunction (SPD)
To encourage good balance of hormones which helps with minimizing anxiety and depression
To improve duration and quality of sleep
To encourage good posture changes and built up strength
To help alleviate digestion problems
To reduce labor times by up to 60%
To learn more about Prenatal chiropractic and/or the Webster technique that Dr. Chelsea and Dr. Carl specialize in check out this LINK.
Be Blessed!