What's Your Score and Why it Matters
Many of us keep track of our gas tank level or amount of money in our retirement and/or savings accounts. But very few of us pay...
Ways to Help Your Child's Brain Develop
I recently read a book titled "Ticklish" by Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani that discusses many new, simple, proven, research-based ideas...
Research Wednesdays: Allergies and Chiropractic
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...
Research Wednesday: Birth Induced TMJ Dysfunction
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...
About Your Chiropractor: Dr. Carl Moe
I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of Washington in 2008 where I was also a devoted student...
About Your Chiropractor: Dr. Chelsea Moe
In 2012, I graduated from Life University in Marietta, Georgia with a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree after completing a 4-year...
Research Wednesday: ADHD and Chiropractic
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...
Testimonial Tuesday: Tongue Tie
Tongue-tie is the condition where the lingual frenulum, the band of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth, restricts...
Masters Sunday
If you are a golfer or lover of sports, there is nothing better than the Masters. The Masters is held each year at the same location,...
Compound Interest and Your Health
We find that families and children under regular care get sick less often and experience more vitality throughout their day.